
Portrait I am a Principal Member of Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories.

My research interests lie broadly in cyber and information security. My dissertation was in the area of high-performance large-scale graph analysis. Previously I worked on emulation-based modeling of distributed computer systems.

I received my PhD from Georgia Tech, advised by Prof. Ümit V. Çatalyürek. I received my Master’s in Computer Science from Georgia Tech and my Bachelor’s in Computer Science and Mathematics from New Mexico Tech.


Peer reviewed conferences, competitions, and workshops:

  1. Gabert, Pınar, Çatalyürek, Batch Dynamic Algorithm to Find k-Core Hierarchies, ACM SIGMOD Workshops GRADES-NDA, June 2022. 📄
  2. Cordi, Frank, Gabert, et al., Auditable, Available and Resilient Private Computation on the Blockchain via MPC, CSCML, June 2022. 💾 📄
  3. Gabert, Sancak, Özkaya, Pınar, Çatalyürek, ElGA: Elastic and Scalable Dynamic Graph Analysis, ACM/IEEE SC, Nov 2021. 💾 📄
  4. Gabert, Çatalyürek, PIGO: A Parallel Graph Input/Output Library, IEEE IPDPSW GrAPL, May 2021. 💾 📄
  5. Gabert, Pınar, Çatalyürek, Shared-Memory Scalable k-Core Maintenance on Dynamic Graphs and Hypergraphs, IEEE IPDPSW ParSocial, May 2021. 📄
  6. Gabert, Pınar, Çatalyürek, A Unifying Framework to Identify Dense Subgraphs on Streams: Graph Nuclei to Hypergraph Cores, ACM WSDM (18.6% acceptance), March 2021. 📄
  7. An*, Gabert*, et al., Skip the Intersection: Quickly Counting Common Neighbors on Shared-Memory Systems, IEEE HPEC, September 2019. 📄
  8. Fox, Green, Gabert, et al., Fast and Adaptive List Intersections on the GPU, IEEE HPEC GraphChallenge, September 2018.
  9. Green, et al., Logarithmic Radix Binning and Vectorized Triangle Counting, IEEE HPEC GraphChallenge, September 2018.

Journal articles:

  1. Gabert, Wang, Non-autonomous attractors for singularly perturbed parabolic equations on $\mathbb{R}^n$, Nonlinear Analysis TMA, November 2010.



  1. Gabert, et al., ElGA, 2021.
  2. Gabert, Çatalyürek, PIGO, 2021.
  3. Gabert, Kowalski, TorStatus, 2007-2008.



  1. Gabert, Finding Dense Regions of Rapidly Changing Graphs, May 2022. 📄

Technical reports:

  1. Gabert, Pınar, Çatalyürek, Batch Dynamic Algorithm to Find k-Cores and Hierarchies, arXiv 2203.13095, March 2022. 📄
  2. Pınar, et al., Science and Engineering of Cybersecurity by Uncertainty quantification and Rigorous Experimentation (SECURE) Final Report, Sandia Report SAND2021-11719, September 2021.
  3. Frank, Cordi, Gabert, et al., The GABLE Report: Garbled Autonomous Bots Leveraging Ethereum, Sandia Report SAND2020-5413, May 2020.
  4. Jones, Gabert, Tarman, Evaluating Emulation-based Models of Distributed Computing Systems, Sandia Report SAND2017-10634, August 2017.
  5. Gabert, Burns, et al., Staghorn: An Automated Large-Scale Distributed System Analysis Platform, Sandia Report SAND2016-9616, September 2016.
  6. Edgett, Gabert, et al., Exploration of Cloud Computing: Raincoat v. 2.1, Sandia Report SAND2010-6339, September 2010.


  1. Gabert, Finding Temporal Dense Regions of Temporal Graphs, Lab Research Technical Exchange, Feburary 23rd, 2023.
  2. Gabert, Temporal Mining of Job Postings, INMM Annual Meeting, Special Session on Cutting Edge Approaches in Data Analytics for Nonproliferation, July 25th, 2022.
  3. Gabert, Pınar, Çatalyürek, Handling Runtime Variability at Scale: Elasticity for Continuously Changing Graphs, SIAM PP22, February 25th, 2022.
  4. Gabert, Emulytics at Sandia: Emulation-based Modeling and Analysis of Computer Systems, Georgia Tech IISP Cybersecurity Lecture Series, September 14th, 2018.
  5. Stickland, Gabert, Jacobellis, In Situ Training Environment for Autonomous Cyber SAND2017-8470C, 2017.
  6. Gabert, Cybersecurity Models, SAND2016-5882C, June 2016.
  7. Gabert, Vail, et al., Firewheel-A Platform for Cyber Analysis, SAND2015-10324PE, December 2015.


  1. Gabert, Pınar, Çatalyürek, Finding Dense Areas of Massive Changing Graphs, Georgia Tech @ SC20, November 2020. [Best Poster Runner-Up.]
  2. Gabert, Pınar, Extracting Stable Community Information on Relational Data, Conference on Data Analysis (CoDA), February 2020.
  3. Gabert, An, Bader, Below O(n): Induced Motif Counting in Sublinear Time, CSE SPP Summit, May 2019.
  4. Gabert, Bader, Improving the Protection of Special Events Using Graph Analytics, DHS COE Summit, June 2018.
  5. Slawinska, Zhang, Gabert, Laub, Lightweight Monitoring Solutions for High-End Clusters and its Applications, I/UCRC CERCS Advisory Board Meeting, April 2013.


Email: kggaber@sandia.gov.
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
Social: LinkedIn, Keybase.
PGP fingerprint: 0EB2 5038 41EE DCD4 FBB7 828B 486D 9F58 873E 4CFD.